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Zmagali ste tekmovalci in ekipe,ki ste se v tako lepem številu udeležili našega 2. Zmagali ste obiskovalci, ki ste navijali na vseh štirih hitrostnih preizkušnjah, kljub peklenski vročini. Zmagali ste sodniki, redarji, gasilci, reševalci in druge uradne osebe, ki ste skozi cel dan skrbeli, da je vse potekalo brez problemov. Zmagali ste sponzorji in pokrovitelji, brez katerih tega dogodka ne bi bilo.
Each process is in accordance with our strict ISO9001 quality assurance standards. Building design, flow sheets, electrical engineer design, hardware and automatic control systems. Training seminars can cover technology,production management,and maintenance procedures. Twin Check Sifter MFSC and MBSC.
Since starting this degree my main issue with wanting to become a Graphic Designer was my lack of communication skills, i felt that i would struggle due to this fact, but cannot believe how much this skill has improved throughout the three years due to communicating with clients, crits, work placements, visiting professionals and presentations.